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As a personal injury attorney, I am focused on one thing — helping my clients achieve maximum recovery. Granted, it’s a very straightforward goal, but achieving it has its challenges. Fortunately for you, I have more than 30 years of practice, and I’m not afraid to use that insight to your benefit.
Look at just about any personal injury website, and you’re likely to see a phrase like “maximum recovery” somewhere. To me, this term isn’t just a phrase that I throw around. It means a few very specific things about taking great care of my clients:
Fighting for the biggest possible settlement from the insurance company
Presenting the case in court if that’s what it takes to get a better outcome
Handling any and all legalities so that my client doesn’t have to deal with unnecessary stress
Connecting my client with useful resources as needed to help them fully recover — physically and otherwise
Although it would be immoral of me to guarantee you any certain result, I can promise you without hesitation that I will fight for you using every tool at my disposal. Whether your injury is the result of a car accident, a bad slip and fall, a dog bite, a work injury, or another matter entirely, please know that I am here to help.
"My philosophy? Find a way to solve the problem at hand, then fight to make it happen."
The way I see it, my work has very little to do with me and everything to do with my clients. They are going through a difficult time, not only because of their injuries, but also because of the financial and legal headaches that tend to come with those injuries. I fight hard to get them great results in a timely manner because I understand how much they want to get past this phase of their lives. The least I can do is guide them over the legal and financial hurdles of the recovery process. And it is my sincere pleasure to do so whenever possible.
For your first consultation, I will gladly meet with you wherever you find the most convenient, whether it is at my office, in the hospital, at your home, or anywhere else you feel comfortable. After that first meeting, I will continue to make the legal process as easy for you as possible by working on contingency. In other words, you won’t owe me a dime unless or until I obtain a favorable outcome for you.
If you decide to meet with me in my office, allow me to make it easy for you. My office is located right off of Route 9 in Shrewsbury, Worcester County, Massachusetts, close to Route 20, Route 140, and the Massachusetts Turnpike. I have ample, free parking available and offer evening and weekend appointments when necessary.